Windowslarda güvenlik yada SP yamalari yüklendikce ismi Uninstall ile baslayan klasörler olustururlar , eger HDD inizden yer kazanmak istiyor ve bunlari silmenin sisteminize olumsuz bir etkişinin olup
olmayacagini aklinizdan geciriyorsaniz , aşağıdaki scripten faydalanabilirsiniz (Xp de denenmistir) , bu script ile bu klasörler otomatik olarak silinecektir
If MsgBox("This program will now remove uninstall folders.", _ vbOkCancel, "Uninstall Remover") = vbOk Then Set oShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") Set oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") sWinDir = oFSO.GetSpecialFolder(0) Set oFolder = oFSO.GetFolder(sWinDir) Set oDictionary = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") For Each oSubFolder In oFolder.SubFolders sFolderName = LCase(oSubFolder.Name) sFolderPath = LCase(oSubFolder.Path) If Left(sFolderName, 13) = "$ntuninstallq" _ Or Left(sFolderName, 14) = "$ntuninstallkb" Then ' Get the update name for the registry delete: sUpdateName = Mid(sFolderName, 13, Len(sFolderName) - 13) ' Never delete folders/files while enumerating a file/folder collection. ' Adds them to a dictionary object for later handling instead: oDictionary.Add sUpdateName, sFolderPath End If Next sDeleted = "" For Each sUpdateName In oDictionary.Keys sDeleted = sDeleted & vbCrLf & sUpdateName sFolderPath = oDictionary.Item(sUpdateName) On Error Resume Next ' Remove entry in Add/Remove Programs: oShell.RegDelete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\" _ & "CurrentVersion\Uninstall\" & sUpdateName & "\" On Error Goto 0 ' Delete the unisntall folder: oShell.Run "%Comspec% /C RD /S /Q " _ & Chr(34) & sFolderPath & Chr(34), 0, True Next If sDeleted <> "" Then 'MsgBox "The uninstall data for the following updates has been removed:" _ ' & vbCrLf & UCase(sDeleted) MsgBox oDictionary.Count & " update uninstall folders removed." Else MsgBox "No update uninstall data found." End If End If
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